Learning To Take Care Of Your Own Hair

Learning To Take Care Of Your Own Hair

Hair Care You Can Handle Yourself

Summer is here and in the midst of barbeques, vacations and rooftops brunches, nobody has time to spend these sunny days in the hair salon! To have you some time (and some coin), we’ve compiled a list of hair care you can do at home on your own without the need of a licensed stylist.

Dye Your Own Hair

This first one isn’t for the faint of heart. Dying your hair is scary if you haven’t done it before, but there are foolproof ways to color your mane to save a buck. First, buy two boxes. There’s nothing more embarrassing than having to run back to the drug store in a shower cap cause you ran out. Second, follow the instructions to the letter. The last thing you want is a half dyed or bald head. Lastly, adopt a hair care routine for color treated hair. Color boosting shampoos and conditioners keep colors vibrant and help maintain color longer.

Install Your Own Protective Styles

This one also takes gull! Protective styling is hard work but with youtube tutorials you can knock it out in the same time for less than half the price your stylist charges. Whether it’s simple feed-in braids or the ever complicated box braids, give it a try! Trust me… you’ll surprise yourself.

The Whole Salon Shampoo/Condition Experience

I recommend an overhead dryer for this one. One of my favorite things about visiting the salon is the whole pampering experience! I love the shampoo girl massaging my scalp, applying the best deep conditioner to my hair and throwing me under the dryer to drown out the world so I can enjoy a book or two. However, I don’t have $60 for every time I need some me time. So I do it myself. You should too!

Please keep in mind that if you aren’t comfortable with any of these suggestions, it’s no sweat to pick up the phone and schedule an appointment with your local hair stylist and get your hair slayed! I’d also suggest leaving cuts, trims, and processing like relaxers and texturizers to the pros. 


Myesha Skye Precious Tresses Brand AmbassadorMyesha Skye is a 25 year old blogger and Precious Tresses brand ambassador based in Pennsylvania.  She loves self-help books, astrology and meditation.  She’s a novice yogini and adores hibiscus tea. Myesha can be found on all social media with the user name MyeshaSkye.About the author:


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